Jordan Parker

Jordan Parker

I want you to succeed!

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Jordan Parker

Best way to get a Database ID in Notion (or a Page ID)

Notion is the hottest tool right now. No-code fans, productivity junkies, and project teams all have realized how fantastic Notion is. Being here, I imagine you’re one of those people. Before we get started with database (and page) IDs, I’m leaving a list of links here that might...

Jordan Parker

Don't Overcomplicate Things. Unless it's Fun!

You should be perfect. In everything you do. That’s what you really want. At least most people think so. But is it? Having it all means there’s nothing interesting happening, there’s no room to grow and no new things to explore. Perfection is boring. Here’s a...

Jordan Parker

Breaking Away: 7 Careers That Will Allow You To Travel

As we discussed in “Try Something New”, stepping out of your comfort zone is, sometimes, the only way to grow. It’s easy for us to get comfortable doing jobs that don’t truly fulfill us or don’t help us advance in the ways we could. Breaking away from...

Jordan Parker

The Elegant Art of Reframing

“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” — Marcus Aurelius Reframing or “Cognitive Reframing” is a real-world superpower. Yes, superpower. In this article, you’re learning: * Why is the frame from which we view things important? * The most profound...

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