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Live longer: create your anti-stress habit

Today marks day 156 since I started walking my dog for an hour every morning. I feel awesome! Why? Because I created my anti-stress habit, I worry less, sleep better, and my productivity is higher than ever. I want to help you make your anti-stress habit and feel awesome. First...


How to fight your helplessness?

Like you, last week, I woke up with horrific news. There is a war in Europe. I feel sad, angry, and helpless. I can’t stop thinking about all the people directly affected by this crisis. All this made me think about other crises I’ve had in my life....


7 lifestyle rules to be smart with your money



How to Learn From Others

I am a big fan of the concept that you can learn a lot from everyone around you. Have you been in a situation where you remember every word of a silly video from the Internet, but not an important meeting? I have. Too much information gets in our brains...

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